
Virtual Campfire Series – Addiction

We all have, to some extent, internalized a cliche image of addiction: a person shooting up heroin in a park, a man buying a bottle of vodka at nine in the morning, or a girl who sneaks off at every opportunity to light up another cigarette. But in fact, addiction is far more common than Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – Grief and Loss

Loss is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the human experience, yet it is an inevitable consequence of being alive. One of the great paradoxes of grief is that it is inextricably linked to our capacity for love. The truth is, someday, we will all lose everything that we hold dear. This month Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – The Mind

Many of us don’t think much about the mind, but consciousness is perhaps the most quintessential part of the human experience. The mind can trick us, embolden us, and even torture us. Mental illness is surprisingly common, yet it’s taboo to talk about. In December, you’re invited for a thoughtful conversation about the mind and Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – Hope & Cynicism

Hope and cynicism: they may seem like polar opposites, but both of these two perspectives live within each of us. At times elusive, hope can be our closest ally when we face the chaos of the unknown. And at times when positivity can feel saccharine and hollow, cynicism can feel like the only thing connecting Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – Intimacy

For many of us, the word intimacy is interchangeable with the physical and romantic connection. Yet many of us long for intimacy in other ways: emotional connection with family members, trust in friendships, and compassion for ourselves. This month, you’re invited to gather to discuss the idea of intimacy. How has our childhood affected our Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – Identity

Who are you? Many of us answer this question by pointing to aspects of ourselves we believe immutable — gender, ethnicity, profession, or family role. Yet these nominal identities do not seem to capture the whole of who we are. Join us for an evening of dialogue on identity — what it is, where it Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – The Body

Embodiment — the experience of having a body — is a universal experience, and yet how we think and feel about our bodies is as unique as each of us. Join us for engaging dialogue about the physical self. What does it mean to have a ‘good body’? How much of how we think about Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – Confessions

From the time we are children, many of us learn to hide aspects of our true thoughts and behaviors from others. Yet the most fulfilling encounters almost always emerge when we can be fully transparent about ourselves — without filters, shyness, or reserve. Join us this month, for an evening of warm and fascinating conversational Continue Reading


Virtual Campfire Series – Failure

It’s something most of us avoid at all costs, but failure is an inevitable part of the human experience. Many of us keep our career, relationship, and personal failures hidden. Yet the most successful people among us have not only tried and failed but learned to reap failure’s benefits. Join us for an evening of Continue Reading


Stress and Trauma-Informed Care – CE Series

Trauma-informed care is a strengths-based practice framework grounded in understanding and considering stress and trauma's pervasive nature and impact. As a result, we promote an environment of recovery rather than practices that may inadvertently re-traumatize.Adopting a trauma-informed approach to your practice is not accomplished through a particular technique or checklist. In other words, it is Continue Reading

CAN $399.00

Yoga for Eating Disorder Recovery

Yoga for Eating Disorder Recovery: Learn how yoga can help you cope with anxiety, connect with your body, and accept yourself. Monthly, four weeks, online. Free for those in active eating disorder recovery.